This blog is a personal blog and solely based from my personal life & expression. If you do not like what you see @ read, you are free to leave this blog.The photos in this blog belongs to me & me alone. Leave me your comments on my post or just a words at my cbox,Thanks for visiting & do come again. Feel free to contact for my photography services Hp/email : +60137449963/
hasil dari tangan cikgu yang cukup profesional....syukur alhamdulillah. hubby & wife yang punyai minat yang sama moga dapat diteruskan yer cikgu cikgi:-) ** tq kerana mendoakan utk diri saya jugak wslam
A graduate in graphic design from UiTM Melaka, now a teacher in Ayer Itam, Batu Pahat,Johor. Been a graphic designer for 2 years before entering teacher's college and start teaching in 2003.Still involved in multiple art activities nowadays such as photo editing, banner designing, photography, music and others.........
Feel free to contact for my photography services
Hp/email : +60137449963/+60197433093/,
Feel free to see us :
17 ulasan:
pergghhh!. cantik!. sejuk mata memandang. gambar kt jeti mcm dr kacamata kucing sdg merangkak. :)
aku pun blm sampai lg tg piai.
- cikgu jawe
erk? kucing ada kacamata ke?. wakakakaka!
foto no 2 terakhir reminds me Floating Restaurant dekat Semporna , Sabah
Nice shot la bro.
dah lamer me tak gi tanjung piai ittewww..
wow!! gambar no 5 tue den paling suka..semua best2..nice angle and awesome shot bro!!
keep it up.congrats on explore, you deserve it....
salam..sukanya second photo tuhhh
sy suke hijauuu... sedap mata memandang.
tp sy paling suke pic no.7... woww!
aldeany hope: ini baby hope ke papa hope yg nulis ni :)
cam ne chatbox Bro Fly & Don ilang ye..heran heran..
macam magix je kn.. kihkih
ps: strategi menjadi ni.. :)
hikkhiikk, catlina; yg ni mama hope hikhikk... diginet free melanda lagi :p
puas mata saya memandang...lawa2 pic kat sini
selamat berhujung minggu sahabat-sahabat semua..semoga ceria selalu..hehe gua ceria ke hehe
en me...nanti gi tg piai, kita gi sesama ye yeahhhh
hasil dari tangan cikgu yang cukup profesional....syukur alhamdulillah.
hubby & wife yang punyai minat yang sama
moga dapat diteruskan yer cikgu cikgi:-)
** tq kerana mendoakan utk diri saya jugak
salam blog.
mmg meletup ler pic nie..
sker bngat
hye tere...i lurve all the photo shots...great pic taken :) what camera r u using? dont mind i link u frm y blog ya )
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