This blog is a personal blog and solely based from my personal life & expression. If you do not like what you see @ read, you are free to leave this blog.The photos in this blog belongs to me & me alone. Leave me your comments on my post or just a words at my cbox,Thanks for visiting & do come again. Feel free to contact for my photography services Hp/email : +60137449963/
A graduate in graphic design from UiTM Melaka, now a teacher in Ayer Itam, Batu Pahat,Johor. Been a graphic designer for 2 years before entering teacher's college and start teaching in 2003.Still involved in multiple art activities nowadays such as photo editing, banner designing, photography, music and others.........
Feel free to contact for my photography services
Hp/email : +60137449963/+60197433093/,
Feel free to see us :
23 ulasan:
anak hang ke..comei ler..
Ayoma Ayopa......cute nye baby ituuuuuu.
Peluk cium sikt!
asik kena tinggal jer...sbb tu jadikan subjek...
aku lensa: Yup bro.. Thanks for the comment bro
Aj-saudagar : thanks bro
Aleh : apa nak buat bro..beginilah nasib..tapi sesekali jumpa best gak lain mcm rasanye hahaha
alahai comelnye!!! nie yang terkobar2 nak dapat baby...hehe takpe sabar2, ada rezeki nanti.. insyaallah! kem salam kak wife yea..
smart..pic atas tu gile..
tembam nye... sgt geram dgn pipi baby 2..
Noorul Huda : Insya Allah.. Ada rezeki untuk awak tu..
Muein : thanks bro
Cik Pingu : Thanks lawat blog niye
comel nyerr ur daughter bro. 1st pic smart + nice bokeh, lens apa tuu? Nice man.
Dhani :thanks a lot bro, lens tamron 70-300
memang begitu jelas sekali ketembaman si E-ein. Tapi awat serius semacam aje si comel tu ye :)
Waaa ... profesional photographer ker? Haku suker amik gambar tp pakai camera cikai jer ...
Your daughter kan? Dah besar eh? Comelnye...
Salam Ramadhan bro..selamat berpuasa..
salam menyambut bulan ramadhan cikgu
mesti seronok tahun ni ada eein bersama
tak sabor nak nunggu raya lak kan (hehhehehe)
geram nengok pipi E-ein....
kejap je rasa E-ein dan besar..sok2 dah nak merangkak...:)
sangat cantik....saya suka da 1st pic...
Rambut lebat...pipi gebu...alahaiii...comeynyer E-Ein!
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