This blog is a personal blog and solely based from my personal life & expression. If you do not like what you see @ read, you are free to leave this blog.The photos in this blog belongs to me & me alone. Leave me your comments on my post or just a words at my cbox,Thanks for visiting & do come again. Feel free to contact for my photography services Hp/email : +60137449963/
salam fly..rimau jarak dekat ni..kena ada lens berkuasa kuda.terpaksa la menabung dari sekarang kalau gua nak amik gambar camni..hehe!!position cantik bro..
A graduate in graphic design from UiTM Melaka, now a teacher in Ayer Itam, Batu Pahat,Johor. Been a graphic designer for 2 years before entering teacher's college and start teaching in 2003.Still involved in multiple art activities nowadays such as photo editing, banner designing, photography, music and others.........
Feel free to contact for my photography services
Hp/email : +60137449963/+60197433093/,
Feel free to see us :
17 ulasan:
Bro lpas nih Gua request nak gambaw...TUPAI plak...bley?
Gua minat Gilak siut kat TUPAI...
Gambaw Lu ......sentisa Walaweiiiii
eeehhem...dengan kemerduan suara tu lah mereka berposing...kan? Nice pics bro
Dj Epoi : Untuk Lu no problemo bro, tapi banyak2 hewan nih pesal lu minat tupai bro?
Alehh: Ha ah merdu ,sebab panggil mcm panggil burung heheh
i vote the last pic, nice bro! :)
aku nak request gambar burung tgh terbang hehhehe kasi panning ckit....
panthera tigris je ke??
felis domestica takde ke fly...?
last pic tu nice..
bijak2..goodjob bro..
Dhani : Thanks bro
Burt : hehe setakat ni x berkesempatan lagi ah bro..InsyaAllah satu masa nanti heheh
Chekgu Bani Hashim : Felis Domestica my wife dah masukkan dlm blog dia , felis domestica kampung yang berkeliaran disekitar rumah :)
Andaq : Thanks andaq, muka dah kenyang tu :)
salam fly..rimau jarak dekat ni..kena ada lens berkuasa kuda.terpaksa la menabung dari sekarang kalau gua nak amik gambar camni..hehe!!position cantik bro..
Fuyah!! ni dah macam kucing saya kat brunei!! Hehe!!`
Pandan : ala lu boleh sangat tu, saje je tu heheh
OOF : pEh bro ada kucing cam ghimau ke? bglah tgk..
sharp la gambar...
tringin satu tele lens...
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