This blog is a personal blog and solely based from my personal life & expression. If you do not like what you see @ read, you are free to leave this blog.The photos in this blog belongs to me & me alone. Leave me your comments on my post or just a words at my cbox,Thanks for visiting & do come again. Feel free to contact for my photography services Hp/email : +60137449963/
A graduate in graphic design from UiTM Melaka, now a teacher in Ayer Itam, Batu Pahat,Johor. Been a graphic designer for 2 years before entering teacher's college and start teaching in 2003.Still involved in multiple art activities nowadays such as photo editing, banner designing, photography, music and others.........
Feel free to contact for my photography services
Hp/email : +60137449963/+60197433093/,
Feel free to see us :
10 ulasan:
gambar last tu serious betul mamat tu. tapi kena tembak juga :)
heheheh..amekkan gambo cafe kluang rail..buat dalam hitam putih..mesti gempak!!
tembakan anda memang cantik,menarik dan tertarik..heheh
DR SAm : Pengusrus of the year tu bro heh
Mogen Ali : InsyaAllah bro akan hamba usahakan..
Ez : thanks ez..
salam bro..cantek aaa gambor tu..apa aktiviti mothers day ni?
salam cikgu....
doc cat apa kabar, mesti syok ada eein kan (hehehhehe)
Photog sharp giller
x leka mata memandang
Salam Fly,
Gambar yg menarik... ntah2 ada anak buah umie dlm gambar tu... sbb dia Kluang,.
cntik sgt la bro picca 2..
smpai trpgun..
kamoo hbt,...
mntk tnjk ajr..
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