This blog is a personal blog and solely based from my personal life & expression. If you do not like what you see @ read, you are free to leave this blog.The photos in this blog belongs to me & me alone. Leave me your comments on my post or just a words at my cbox,Thanks for visiting & do come again. Feel free to contact for my photography services Hp/email : +60137449963/
A graduate in graphic design from UiTM Melaka, now a teacher in Ayer Itam, Batu Pahat,Johor. Been a graphic designer for 2 years before entering teacher's college and start teaching in 2003.Still involved in multiple art activities nowadays such as photo editing, banner designing, photography, music and others.........
Feel free to contact for my photography services
Hp/email : +60137449963/+60197433093/,
Feel free to see us :
18 ulasan:
huh...silau mata warna terang:p smart
wah shilau mata buih dari air kopi ker hehe...cantik la bro...nak tiru arr lain kali hehe..
Uik..........pelik gambaw nih siut!
ada air yang masih menitik lagi tu. seni betul. Air apa ni bro?
aku dan secalit warna : Thanks bro,
hidung berantai : thanks for the comment bro..
Dj Epoi : heh pelik yek bro..
Dr Sam : Thanks for the comment Doc, Tu sebenarnya air gula yang sedang mendidih semasa wife saya sedang masak puding karamel.
wow abstrak bro.. nnice capture
sedapnya puding karamel...:)
Dr Dodon : thanks for the comment bro..dgr cite dah sambar 1 wide angle yek :)
Anntaj : oo antaj ni antara penggemar puding karamel lah ye :).. jangan makan selalu kecing manis nanti hehe
Mantap....ape maksud gambau ni agaknyer ek....hmmmm????
peh..air gula pn jd ye..hebat la idea lu bro..kagum..kagum..
AJ : :) thanks for the comment. apa ye maksudnye, mengikut persepsi masing2lah kot
aKU LENSA : Thanks bro..
wah..bila la nk boleh wat gmbr camni..hehe
wah aku terlepas entry ni...aku pernah tgk ada sorang minah oversea wat cmni...mmg cun we nak kalau pki macro lens perghhh cara
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